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  • Middle Tech Spotlight Series: Fetal Life Founder Riya Shah on Revolutionizing Maternal Health

Middle Tech Spotlight Series: Fetal Life Founder Riya Shah on Revolutionizing Maternal Health

How Riya's Innovation is Empowering Expecting Mothers

November 6th, 2023

In the Spotlight: Riya Shah

In the latest episode of the Middle Tech Spotlight Series, Ria Shah explains her inspiration for developing an at-home contraction-monitoring device, after hearing about the challenges her mother faced when pregnant with her. She outlines the development of the product, the process of gaining patent approval, and the funding routes Fetal Life has taken. She also discusses balancing life of a student and startup founder, including the role of a supportive family and mentors. This episode covers Ria's future plans and provides insights into how artificial intelligence, data, and global partnerships play a key role in Fetal Life's growth strategy.

We are amazed and extremely excited to see a founder like Riya building here in Kentucky and hope to see many more young founders like her deciding to take the leap into entrepreneurship.

Key Takeaways

  1. Building a Team - Riya expresses deep gratitude for the guidance and support she has received throughout her entrepreneurial journey. She believes that having a solid team is essential in navigating the challenges of building a startup while balancing her college education. Riya emphasizes that her team's unwavering support has been instrumental in her personal growth as a founder and in the progress of Fetal Life.

  2. The Use of Artificial Intelligence - She explains that Fetal Life plans to leverage AI to develop an risk stratification model using machine learning algorithms. This model aims to identify high-risk pregnancies based on various parameters such as health complications and specific pregnancy data.

  3. The Importance of Partnerships -Fetal Life’s first international partnership is with an organization in Uganda that meets the health needs of the Batwa tribe. Riya explains that the Batwa tribe has been monitoring pregnancy vitals and contractions manually, lacking access to devices. This collaboration exemplifies Fetal Life's commitment to extending care to remote and underserved areas, both internationally and within the global healthcare landscape.

For more information about Fetal Life, you can visit their website at fetallife.com.


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