Middle Tech Spotlight Series: Artificial Intelligence Advancements

Sora’s Ai Generated Videos, Google’s Gemini 1.5, and Nvidia’s Massive Valuation

February 26th, 2024

In the Spotlight: Artificial Intelligence

Morning y’all - Logan here. For this week’s episode, Evan and I thought it’d be fun to chat through some of the recent stories in AI and have a discussion around where the space is heading.

If you’ve been on social media over the past few weeks, you’ve likely seen a lot of chatter about 3 big stories in the AI space: OpenAI’s text-to-video model - Sora, Google’s Gemini, and Nvidia’s massive valuation. Weekly major stories seem to be the norm now, which just goes to show how quickly the entire AI space is advancing.

Key Takeaways

  1. OpenAI’s Text-to-Video Model, Sora - In our opinion, this is the most impressive advancement we’ve seen since ChatGPT was revealed. The new Sora model can now create videos that are nearly indistinguishable from reality from a simple text prompt. Check it out for yourself. Our question: what does this mean for trust on the internet?

  2. Google’s New Gemini 1.5 - Google unveiled their new Gemini 1.5 model, boasting a 1.5 million token context window (how much input you can feed to the AI at one time). This was a big deal in and of itself, but unfortunately it was overshadowed as the model went viral for refusing to generate images of white people. We recorded this episode before that fiasco, so we mostly focus on the impacts of the larger context window in this episode.

  3. Nvidia Becomes the 4th Most Valuable Company - Underpinning the entire AI space currently is the GPU manufacturer responsible for providing the compute power necessary for these AI models to exist. While their incredible rise in valuation is impressive, we discuss the impact of the work they’re doing on the future of the internet’s infrastructure.


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