Middle Tech Spotlight Series: Amanda Ralston

Amanda Ralston of NonBinary Solutions on Pioneering Change in Neurodivergent Healthcare

April 8th, 2024

In the Spotlight: Amanda Ralston

Happy Monday! Logan here. On today’s episode, we got to sit down with Amanda “Mandy” Ralston, an entrepreneur specializing in the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) space. Her company, NonBinary Solutions, is creating a platform to standardize treatment pathways for autism care.

Mandy is blending tech with Applied Behavior Analysis to bring a new level of precision and personalization to autism therapy through her platform. It's a thoughtful approach to making a real difference in how therapy is delivered, aiming to make every session as effective as it can be. We also got into the nitty-gritty of what it's like building a tech company in our region. Mandy shared her straightforward experiences with the challenges of fundraising and the importance of authenticity when building a company.

Key Takeaways

  1. A New Approach to Autism Care: Mandy integration of technology with Applied Behavior Analysis is setting new standards for personalized autism care. This approach is crucial as Mandy mentions that there is little-to-no standardization when it comes to caring for patients with Autism.

  2. Mandy’s Experience as an Entrepreneur: As you’ll hear, Mandy does not shy away from sharing her candid experiences from building NonBinary solutions. We continue to hear feedback from entrepreneurs trying to raise capital in our ecosystem, but Mandy’s story highlights her approach and the hurdles she’s faced.

  3. Authenticity & Personal Brand: Mandy's emphasis on authenticity highlights its importance in the tech industry and beyond. Her approach to building her brand is uniquely hers, and she shares why that’s so important to her.

What Else We’re Listening To

  • Weekly Dose of Optimism #88 - Not listening, but reading in this case. If you’re not familiar with Packy McCormick and Not Borning, we’d recommend checking it out. Great coverage of all the exciting things going on in the broader tech world

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